What Temp to Grill Burgers on Propane Grill? Simply Recipes

It’s summertime, the season of grilling! One of the most popular foods to grill are burgers. Grilling burgers on a propane grill can be tricky. There are many variables that need to be considered, like the size of the burger patty, how well done you want your burger cooked, and what cooking surface is best for your preference. However, there are some general guidelines to follow when grilling burgers on a propane grill that will help you get it right every time. Grilling burgers is like a rite of passage, but if you’ve never grilled with propane before it can be hard to know what temperature to start at. There are many different opinions on the best way to grill burgers even though most people agree that grilling over charcoal gives the best flavor.

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill?

Grilling a burger is easy, but what temperature should you use on your propane grill?  The answer depends on how well-done or rare you want your burger. A medium-cooked burger will have an internal temperature between 160°F and 170°F at its center. For a more well done burger, cook it until the meat has reached an internal temperature of 190°F to 200°F in order to kill any bacteria that may be present in raw beef. When cooking large cuts of meat like steak or roast, allow them to reach an internal temperature before removing from heat for about 5 minutes depending on thickness. And, you should consider the size of your burger patty; if it’s too small or thin then it may not cook properly before overcooking.

Grilling burgers is a fun summer activity for the whole family

Grilling burgers is a method of cooking ground meat patties, usually beef or less commonly lamb, mutton, pork, turkey or chicken. The term hamburger refers exclusively to ground beef. It can also be part of a wider dish being fried with various ingredients such as onions and mushrooms. While a grilled hamburger patty is a type of burger, there are other types that may have their two halves of a bun on both top and bottom of the patty instead of just one. Grilling burgers also means cooking them over direct heat from an open flame as distinct from baking-broiled, microwave, steamed or deep-fried.

Traditionally, the beef patty is grilled over direct heat on a gas or charcoal grill. It is done so that the inside remains mostly uncooked with the outside being seared in order to maximize flavor. This also minimizes cooking time since the surface of the meat does not need to be heated through as with pan frying. The method can be applied to patties made from ground other meats but these are often prepared without bread crumbs and various binders due to their lower fat content. When beef is used for hamburgers, certain cuts are preferred including ground chuck or round steak.

Propane grills are the most commonly used for cooking hamburgers: gas grills can also be used and searing cooking a burger quickly over high heat to sear it and keep in juices may be achieved by pre cooking in a skillet. Avoid pressing down on the patty with a spatula while it is cooking as this will drain the fat away from where it should remain. This has been suggested to encourage an open flame, doing so robs burgers of their juiciness.

When handling ground beef, form patties too large for one’s hand size. The diameter of each individual patty should ideally not exceed 12 cm. This helps prevent loss of the burger’s optimal juiciness during the cooking process. If desired, hamburgers can have various seasonings added to them. Traditional toppings include lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, mustard or ketchup. However other condiments and raw vegetables may be used as part of a recipe or style of burger.

Hamburgers are traditionally cooked with flame grilling which produces a desired char flavor through caramelization. Cheeseburgers are cooked similarly with the heat transferring from the grilling surface to the cheese topping melting it on top of the patty. Other methods used to cook hamburgers include pan frying where either vegetable oil or butter is heated in a skillet and the patties are placed within.

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Prepare by checking your propane grill for leaks

Make sure the grill is clean and dry before cooking

Whether it’s new or old, a propane grill should be checked yearly for leaks by following these simple steps: Before you begin, open all grill shut-off valves to relieve pressure on the system. Remove your propane grill’s tank from its cabinet. A locking mechanism may require a specific key to unlock the tank from the cabinet or burner frame. Look for any signs of damage or rusting around the metal fittings, particularly at each end of your regulator hose where they fit into the tank and the burner assembly. Be sure that hoses are intact with no cracks or abrasions that could indicate wear.

Hoses should be checked for leaks after each use and replaced every year or as signs of damage become apparent. Never substitute another hose for a propane tank hose, because a secondhand hose may have unseen internal damage that could quickly cause a dangerous leak. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended procedure to connect and disconnect your regulator from the grill. Turn all control valves on and off slowly to check for any sign of gas leakage around fittings or hoses. When checking your burner assembly, look for open orifices where flames enter the body of the appliance, which can indicate a loose connection. Look inside the oven area to make sure all connections are tight and clear of debris buildup that may obstruct flow to burners. Make certain all quick-connect fittings are tight. A loose connection can leak gas even if the control valves on your grill shut off properly. If you detect a leak, tighten fittings until they stop leaking.

Check for propane leaks by applying soapy water to all metal connections and fittings with your burner turned off. The liquid will bubble vigorously at any source of propane leakage. Look closely because bubbles may be very small or concealed by burner flame. All leaks, big or small, must be repaired before using any type of grill in an enclosed area such as an outdoor kitchen pavilion where accumulation of flammable fumes could cause a flash fire when ignited by the open flame of your grill cooktop.

Seal small holes in hoses and fittings using a propane-approved sealant or replace damaged or brittle hoses. Never use any kind of leak detector such as those used for refrigeration leaks designed for other kinds of gases, such as butane, on propane appliances because they could give a false reading. If you have to replace your hose or regulator, be sure to get the right replacement parts from a reputable dealer.

Be prepared for an emergency by keeping extra propane tanks on hand and knowing how to properly operate and care for all gas appliances in your home. Make sure there is enough propane in the tank. If you are using a disposable cylinder, make sure it is full and uncut. Use only pure lump charcoal or natural briquettes made from 100% wood with no fillers, additives or binders. The latter can be deadly if used improperly so read and follow directions carefully.

If propane gas flames become yellow or orange in color, there is too much air being drawn through so cover vents or reduce airflow partially. If flame diminishes or dies down to nothing, open vents wide open until flames reappear then check for clogged intakes. Keep all vents open during use unless you are trying to cut off airflow and it is time to put meat on. Close intake vents about way while keeping the outflow completely open until putting grub on followed by closing intakes halfway and finally unlocked when putting meat down. Repeating this process throughout the entire cook ensures a more even cooking temperature reducing hot spots caused by limited air flow.

Make sure your grates are clean and free of debris before cooking. Use a wire brush if necessary to remove unstable proteins that can burn easily once heated up. Cut meats into smaller pieces rather than one giant slab to allow greater airflow underneath the food reducing flame ups. If you’re having consistent issues with sticking, try preheating for 10-15 minutes longer on high heat before dropping meat resulting in excellent searing abilities at the beginning of each cook!

What is the best temp to grill burgers on a propane grill?

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? The best temperature to grill burgers on a propane grill is between 300-350 degrees Fahrenheit

As such, it has an upper cooking grate that is removable and adjustable via three metal bars that you can slide up and down to vary the distance between them. We had no idea how much difference this would make on our burger but wanted to give it a try nonetheless. Before we get to our findings, let’s first mention some important safety tips:

Before you start grilling: gauge your grill temperature. Every propane grill cooks differently so if you want perfect burgers every time, you’re gonna need to know how hot your grill is. If you have a propane grill that doesn’t let you adjust the temperature then this will be easy since it’s probably factory set within 5°F of where it should be for cooking burgers. But if your grill allows customization, things get more complicated. We’ve heard people say that there are markings on the dial or knob of their grill delineating different temperatures but we’ve never seen them so take this with a grain of salt. The best way to find out what temperature your propane grill cooks at is by using an infrared thermometer. This type of thermometer only reads the surface temperature of whatever it’s pointed at and can therefore give you an accurate reading from a long distance away. The other nice thing about them is that you don’t have to open your grill to read it so you won’t lose heat while doing so. Just place the probe anywhere on the cooking grate and look at the temperature reading from inside your house or garage using a hand held monitor.

How best to do this? Put an infrared thermometer just above the food you’re cooking and take a few measurements across it while it cooks. Once all of them converge into one single value, that’s your final cooker temp. Therefore, your best bet is to use an infrared thermometer that calculates the average temperature in the space it’s pointed at.

What about ambient heat? How does this play into grilling time? Many propane grills have a similar problem with what you get when trying to cook on a charcoal grill off of wood chunks or logs. Just because you let them burn down completely doesn’t mean they are producing equal amounts of heat across their surface area . Using this method, we found that our grill ran hot on our propane tank which accounts for how quickly our burgers cooked through even though they were placed over indirect heat not directly above the flames.

The reason why it’s so hard to get the temperature right when grilling on the propane grill is because you’re forced to spread your heat out across a large surface. This means that no part of what you’re cooking gets too intense while others don’t get enough. To fix this, you can simply lower the amount of coals or turn down your propane tank and wait for the grill to evenly distribute the heat or use an infrared thermometer. Or if you want even more control, switch from using direct to indirect heat. Griddling burgers over high direct heat will give you a great crust but also burn edges and drippings before beef has time to properly cook through. On the other hand, placing burgers over indirect heat for a longer amount of time will allow more even cooking and also make it easier to keep the meat warm. When we moved our burgers from one section of the grill to another, we found that they cooked at a rate of about 30°F per minute which is nearly half as fast as on a charcoal grill for direct heat and three times faster than in an oven at around 130-150°F. To get the most accurate results, you’ll want to use both at once like what they do at restaurants or cook your burgers with indirect heat and fluctuating temperatures.

We found that a bit of trial and error was involved in getting our burgers to cook at the right time and temperature. The only way we were able to achieve this is through adjusting how much gas or charcoal we used for each burger, but the total grilling times still ended up being over 40 minutes from start to finish. This isn’t exactly ideal when you’re trying to make food for a party where all of it needs to be done within an hour. To have more control over your heat going into your steaks, try searing them first on high heat then finishing them off over indirect heat. This will help maximize the crust development while making sure that they don’t get too charred in some spots without cooking through. Or if you want to cook your burgers within ten minutes, try doubling the amount of propane gas you would normally use. It may seem like overkill at first, but this will ensure that your entire grill is hot enough which reduces how long it takes for your food to reach their ideal internal temperatures all while giving them a perfectly even crust.

If you are using a grill with only one burner, it is best to preheat the burners before putting any burgers on. For example, if you have two burners that are independently controlled by knobs, turn on both burners to get 350 degrees before grilling your burgers. If you are cooking more than six burgers at once or thick patties, lower the heat to 275-300°F because it will take longer for the heat to circulate inside the food and cook thoroughly. As always when cooking outdoors, make sure continuous flames aren’t coming in contact with your cooking surface while also making sure the flame isn’t extending beyond the perimeter of your burger grate. You can spray down your grill grate with cooking oil or use a grilling brush to help prevent your burgers from sticking while also lifting the grate up off of the heat.

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? If you are cooking burgers on a propane grill, preheat the grill for at least 30 minutes with the lid closed until the coals have burned to a white or gray ash. Adjust your propane placement according to your manufacturer’s instructions for maintaining a 300-350°F oven. Put burgers on the cooking surface and close the lid. The best temperature for cooking hamburgers is between 300-350 degrees Fahrenheit if you like well done ground beef or between 225-275 degrees if you like traditional medium ground beef.

 The only way to know if you’ve cooked your burger enough is through temperature. It recommends that hamburgers should be cooked until an instant read thermometer reads 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember that a burger will continue to cook after it is removed from heat so pull it off at 155 degrees Fahrenheit and let it rest for 2 minutes.

If using a propane grill, use tongs to flip your burgers every 5-7 minutes to get the most lift of the grate possible. This will also allow you to rotate your burgers on all four sides giving you more even cooking results. If cooking over hot coals, once your burgers are halfway done with their second side of cooking, begin checking the temperature in the center of each patty with an instant read thermometer. For ground beef, you’ll want to cook until an instant read thermometer reads 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remember that when grilling hamburgers or any other type of ground beef that it is much easier to overcook than to undercook so be sure to check the temperature often.

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How long should you cook burgers for at that temperature?

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? Why does it matter this temp you grill your burgers?

There is no set time for this. If your propane gas grill won’t get hot enough to properly sear steaks or burgers, then it doesn’t matter how long you cook them, they still will be undercooked inside even if they are charred outside. You have to know the facts about grilling so you can buy the right kind of propane grill to meet your needs.

This kind of question is a little confusing because for how long can be a very subjective term. The temperature and time will depend on the thickness of the burger, size of the patty, desired degree of doneness and so on.

On a propane grill at medium high, you’ll want to cook for about 5 minutes per side. However, the actual time will vary depending on how thick your patties are and what type of grill you’re using. Use your meat thermometer to check if they’ve reached 160 degrees Fahrenheit. If so, transfer them to a plate and cover with foil while you wait for the rest of your burgers to finish cooking. Remember, the temperature of meat will rise by another 10 degrees or so as it rests off the grill – 165 Fahrenheit is well-done.

So why does it matter if my burger is cooked at 400° F vs 300° F? Well, not only does the cooking temp affect the internal temperature of your burger, but also how long it will take for your patty to reach that perfect medium rare or medium range. And since most people are using ground beef that is just over 10% fat, it’s not as easy to judge the doneness with a finger poke test. So if you want that perfect medium rare, go for 325° F instead of 400° F and shave off quite a few minutes on your grilling time. This will also help prevent the dreaded gray band between the charred surface and raw interior that many people hate.

Now, just because you grill at a lower temperature doesn’t mean you’re stuck eating well done burgers! If they are thick enough, they’ll have plenty of time to pick up some smoky flavors even when cooked at 300°F. And if depth isn’t an issue, just keep flipping them until they have that inner glow.

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? When you cook something at a high temp, the outside of it is going to be gray and dry – this happens much faster than medium rare. In other words, if you’re grilling your burgers on high heat, the outside will turn color long before the inside is cooked through. As soon as that grayness starts to set in, those juices start running out and that means less beefy flavor in every bite.

Thickness affects how long you need to cook a burger, but also your desired doneness. If you want your burgers medium-rare, plan on about three minutes per side. If you like them more well done, start with six minutes per side and reduce cooking time as necessary.

If you want to get a nice char on the outside, how many minutes per side should you cook them? This can depend largely on your barbecue setup. If you’re using charcoal, once the coals are hot it usually only takes about two minutes per side. If you’re using propane gas, it usually boils down to whether or not the burners are turned up all the way. I would recommend turning them all the way up until you achieve some color on each side of your burgers but still leaving them slightly pink in the middle, and then turning them back down after flipping so they don’t overcook. Also, if you have one of those grills with adjustable height for each burner, aim for the middle so you don’t burn the outside before the inside is cooked.

Place the grilling surface of your propane grill away from any flammable materials

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? Make sure that the meat you are cooking has reached an internal temperature of 160 degrees before taking it off the heat

Before placing it on the grill. Make sure your hands are clean and dry when handling the meat, and press down with a spatula to avoid loose food falling through during cooking. If you want to yield a smokier flavor, replace the oil with beef or bacon fat. When cooking on a propane grill, place your patties directly over hot coals and flip them every minute or so for even browning. If you like cheese on your burger, add it only after taking the patty off the heat source; if added beforehand it will simply melt too quickly without reaching its full potential in terms of flavor.

You can make a well-done burger or a medium-rare burger by adjusting the cooking time and the grate temperature and also by using different mixtures of beef parts.

For example: If you like your beef at about 120 F, cook half-pound burgers for about three minutes per side on a hot grill that’s about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest, loosely covered with foil for five minutes before serving. Or, use both indirect and direct heat: start on indirect heat, cover tightly with foil, and cook until steak thermometer inserted in middle registers 115 to 120 F, eight to 10 minutes. Then turn patties over and finish over direct heat until charred outside and medium-rare within, another two to three minutes.

Season the beef with salt and pepper, as desired. Over medium-high heat in a skillet or grill pan coated with cooking spray, cook the beef until cooked through completely. Once the burger is almost done cooking, add mushrooms and stir until combined. Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes or until mushrooms are just softened. Be sure not to overcook the mushroom because it will continue to cook even after being removed from heat. Serve on a bun with cheese if desired and enjoy!

Use a food thermometer to make sure the burgers are fully cooked before eating them. Grilling burgers safely means that you must use a meat thermometer and keeping it away from direct heat of the coals or burner is important to ensure accurate results.

Propane grills need some kind of heat shield between the flame and your food to keep burgers safe for eating. The best way to do this is with aluminum foil placed over the burger as soon as it is flipped so that no part of the meat side touches the flames or heating elements directly under the grate holding the food. Keep in mind though, once you remove it from contact with those heating elements, there will be less heat reaching the meat so, while the burger should still be cooked, it might not seem as well done.

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? A properly grilled burger can come off a charcoal grill browned and crispy on the outside but juicy and tender on the inside. To get that great grilled color and flavor, you need to keep buns or other bread separate from direct heat of coals. Even though they are not directly over flames, they will toast quite fast if too close. They should be kept away from direct heat sources by using a foil shield between them and the coals – placed nearest to the food grate but away from flame. Also remember to use tongs when turning burgers or placing them back on top of coals after cooking to avoid any flare ups from dripping fat.

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Keep in mind that cooking time will vary depending on how thick your burger patties are, so be sure to check them often and adjust accordingly

And for a well-done burger, cook the same half-pound burgers on a hot grill that’s about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest, loosely covered with foil for five minutes before serving. Or, use indirect heat: Cook until steak thermometer inserted in middle registers 120 to 125 F and charred outside, 10 to 12 minutes total. Then move burgers over to direct heat and turn up the temperature of the grill as high as it will go; continue cooking with lid open until steaks register at least 140 F, 2 to 3 more minutes. It takes about four times longer than for rare burgers. So start checking often.

Here are the approximate cooking times for burgers at the temperatures. The grilling times will vary with your equipment, weather conditions, and personal preferences, so these should be considered approximate guidelines. Note: These time ranges include resting time after you remove the patties from the grill. And in some cases, more than one approach is listed; use whichever method you prefer.

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? For rare- about 120 F, cook six-ounce patties three minutes per side on a hot grill about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest for five minutes before serving or transfer to indirect heat and continue cooking until an instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally through the side registers 115 to 120 F. This works well if you like your burgers on the rare side, since they’ll continue to cook after you remove them from the grill.

For medium-rare about 130 F, cook six-ounce patties three minutes per side on a hot grill about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest for five minutes before serving or transfer to indirect heat and continue cooking until an instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally through the side registers 120 to 125 F.

For medium about 140 F, cook six-ounce patties three minutes per side on a hot grill about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest for five minutes before serving or transfer to indirect heat and continue cooking until an instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally through the side registers 130 to 135 F.

For medium-well about 150 F, cook six-ounce patties three minutes per side on a hot grill about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest for five minutes before serving or transfer to indirect heat and continue cooking until an instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally through the side registers 140 to 145 F.

For well-done about 160 F, cook six-ounce patties three minutes per side on a hot grill about 500 degrees; then keep them off direct heat while they rest for five minutes before serving or transfer to indirect heat and continue cooking until an instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally through the side registers 150 to 155 F.

To begin cooking, lay the burger in the center of your grill grate. You should hear it sizzle immediately as the fat begins to cook and drip onto the heat source below. Do not press down on the patty with a spatula – this will only cause its juices to escape and dry out your meat. If you like, you can also rotate and don’t flip your burger once after about three minutes have passed. Be careful when moving your food around; if it sticks at all, leave it alone for another minute or two until it releases naturally from the grates. Do not press down on the patty with a spatula – this will only cause its juices to escape and dry out your meat.

Do not overwork the meat when forming the patty – this will cause it to change its texture and release all of its juices. Avoid flipping your burger more than once – this will also cause the juices in your meat to escape and dry out your burger. Don’t keep stabbing at it with a spatula or trying to split it in half.

Absolutely do use a sturdy, wide spatula with a thin edge, along with tongs for grip and control. This method encourages browning while keeping the patty intact and juicy.   A squashed burger is a sad burger! Avoid that by good-quality bacon, putting some muscle into the patty-forming process, and not pressing down on them with spatulas.

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What are some other tips to ensure they turn out perfect every time?

Keep water away from hot food! Excess moisture on hot surfaces creates steam which inhibits proper caramelization and crisping of foods and causes potential for splattering accidents.

I would definitely recommend cooking your burgers on a nonstick or cast iron surface. You can also try mixing some oil and/or butter into the patties as they cook, but remember-this will create splattering so mind those stove top burners! If you cook on a regular stainless steel griddle, try brushing it with vegetable oil before adding the meat and again halfway through cooking for extra nonstick insurance.

Keep a spray bottle of water handy to extinguish any flare ups from grease drippings. Keeping your grill grate clean, brushing it with a wire brush after grilling and before heating up the grill to prepare for next use can also reduce chances of getting food contaminated by leftover grease or residue from previous grilling sessions. Keep in mind that meat grilled at high heat won’t have much time for bacteria from meat juices dripping off the food so it’s important to get internal temperature right when cooking burgers on gas or charcoal grill to ensure they are safe for eating without having to cook again later on.

>>> What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? – See more: Better Than Fast Food! Classic Smash Burger Recipe


It is necessary to know what temperature you should grill your burgers on before they are ready. We recommend cooking ground beef products to 160°F, which ensures that bacteria and other pathogens will be killed. As a general rule of thumb, cook the burger for about 5 minutes per side over medium heat with 350°F.

What temp to grill burgers on propane grill? Grilling meat is not an easy task, especially when you are trying to cook it for a long time. A word of caution – grilling too hot will dry out the burger and overcooking can result in tough beef. The best way to find out the perfect cooking temperature and time for your grill, is to experiment with different variables such as heat and thickness of patty or type of meat in order to see what works best. If you’re looking for a good starting point though, we recommend placing burgers on high heat at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit until they reach an internal temp of 150 degrees Fahrenheit before flipping them over onto low-medium heat so that they can cook through without burning too much outside.

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